Tuesday, January 4, 2011


When people find out that we're doing this major home renovation project, one of the first things they usually ask is what I am doing for a kitchen. For those of you who have wondered, here's your answer:

We have a refrigerator, a microwave, a toaster oven, several crockpots, and more small appliances than necessary. In the fall, we had all of this stationed downstairs in the room that is now almost a kitchen. However, when we began hanging drywall, we moved all of this kitchen paraphernalia to our upstairs hallway. (To recap: We are currently living in half of the upstairs. We have two bedrooms, a bathroom,a laundry closet, and a large hallway.)

It's not ideal, but for now it works - as long as I don't want to make anything in a 9x13 pan. (Our toaster oven isn't that big.)

So without further ado, here are a couple of snaps of our "kitchen" this evening.

So spacious, I know!

What's for dinner?

We had salad, pork loin and sweet potatoes. With Easy Bake Oven brownies for dessert, courtesy of Camille's culinary skills.

If I could make lemon meringue pie in my dorm microwave freshman year, this is cake!

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